Our letter to president El sisi

Zurich on 23-9-2014sisikisssaudi

Mr. President,

We are the Egyptians whom are living in Europe and because we strongly believe in the 30th of June Revolution, we managed to support in several occasions the great event remarkably. The History will always remember our efforts especially with the European Union.

A) We have had seven important delegations in the European Parliament to change the Idea from Coup to Revolution.

B) We have participated twice in the United Nations assembly ( Geneva ) trying to prove Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist group.

C) We held nine international conferences in partnership with German International Committee to sustain 30th of June revolution that was carried out by the Egyptians and you strongly believed in what the nation want so you have given your full support to the Nation well.

In spite of our continuous support for our beloved Egypt, but as we Egyptian Christians still don’t feel safe, not only from the terrorist group ( Muslim brotherhood ) but also the Police authorities.

For example:

Copts are still facing force displacement & force reconciliations with the acknowledgment of the security entities. Coptic young girls are still getting kidnaped & forced to convert to Islam, not only young girls but also old men are facing the same destiny as in Nagaa Hamady, they became the first source of gangs that kidnapped till now 72 Copts who paid about 8 million pounds to those groups and all these actions were blessed by the security police.

Mr. President: when you came in power, we felt you are the hero that will come to take us from despair to victory; we are really honored and proud that Egypt has exceptional man like you.

We would love to cooperate with you wherever the field and at any level for the best of our Own Country (Egypt).

Your People, your nation Egyptian Christian have a need from you Mr. President wishing for help to stop their pain and persecution, below are suggestions that need you to give an eye on:

1- Work only with Constitution and law without discrimination under any circumstances and cancel all local councils.

2- Coptic file to be directly referred to the president or prime minster and not to police officers.

3- A fair and transparent investigations to the police officers who were implicated or colluded in cases of kidnapping of Copts with the application of the appropriate Penalty and punishment according to the Law.

4- Speed up court hearing and conclusion in cases of infringement on churches properties, monasteries, charities and Coptic properties.

5- Speed up with reconstruction to the demolished or burned churches at the governorate expense to emphasize the responsibility and commitment.

6- The Governorate obligatory to compensate the Victims’ family, injured and affected with appropriate compensation taking into account the non-discrimination in the values since 25thJanuary 2011 Revolution.

7- Review the Educational curriculum and remove all expressions of hate and discrimination, keep an eye on teachers who spread hate.

8- Supporting moderate media and take legal action against discriminating media.

9- Prohibition of discrimination against Copts opportunities in sovereign ministries and centers with special sensitivity in the state including general intelligence, governors, deans, heads of departments and chief executive officers for example.

10- Revise the religious discourse and remove everything that supports hatred, violence, discrimination and speed to take legal action towards those whom are found guilty of those crimes.

11- Improve the efficiency of the security forces to face the events likely to occur, especially what’s considered sectarian sedition and dealing with transparency case of occurrence of such events.

12- The return of those who have been forcibly displaced and compensate them for any material and moral damage, while ensuring their protection by the State.

13- Speedy up licensing for churches that already exist without license to reconcile their legal status.

14- Return advice and guidance sessions under the Sponsorship of human rights organization, not the security authorities.

15- Abolition of the law contempt of religion, which has become a sword on the necks of the Copts and the launch of an amnesty on all whom judged with this Law.

16- Recharge to the trails that were politically against Law, such verdicts to George Paromy and Alaa Rushdie as an example.

Finally we confirm our commitment to serve our country whether internally or externally.

May God Bless you, and Bless your work for Years to come.

Medhat Klada

President of the Coptic Organizations for Human at European Union

Head of the Middle East Organization for Human Rights, Switzerland

About مدحت قلادة

نبذة خاصة الاسم مدحت قلادة السن حاصل على بكالوريوس تجارة عام 1986 جامعة عين شمس بسويسرا دراسات فى الشبكات الاليكترونية من سويسرا عام 2002 الاعمال محاسب خمس سنوات بمصر مدير انتاج شركة باناترونيك فى سويسرا حاليا كاتب متخصص فى مجال الدفاع عن الاقليات وحقوق الانسان عامة ومتخخصص فى الشان القبطى . مسئولالعلاقات العامة بالمنظمة القبطية لحقوق الانسان بسويسرا والمدير التنفيذى لاتحاد المنظمات القبطية الاوربية الحال الاجتماعية متزوج ولدية ولد وبنت مقيم بسويسرا منذ عام 1993 نشرت لى جرائد فى عدد كبير من الجرائد الورقية والاليكترونية فى مصر والخارج فى مصر المصرى اليوم صوت الامة الاهالى اليوم السابع وخارج مصر جريدة صوت المهاجر بامريكا والاهرام الجديد بكندا والمصرى باستراليا الشبكات الاليكترونية. ايلاف,الحوار المتمدن,اهل القران,العالمية,باطانيا,الوعى,سودانيات,البشاير,....الخ بل والصحف الاسلامية مثل صفحة الجماعة الاسلامية واخوان اون لاين ...الخ عرب برس النمسا المواقع القبطية الاقباط متحدون,الاقباط الاحرار,الهيئة القبطية الكندية,كوبتك رايت,منتدى حقوق الاقباط, اقباط حول العالم,مسيحى الشرق الاوسط ,الاقباط الفراعنة ....الخ جرائد عالمية لايف نت سويسرا" Livenet,ch لا كورياى دى انترناشيونال " Le Courrier International التسجيلات التليفزيونية التليفزيون المصرى قناة دريم مع وائل لابراشى قناة الساعة مع عمرو اليثى التليفزيون الكردى قناة روج تى فى برنامج الراى الاستاذ طارق حمو التلفيون السريانى سوريويو تى فى قناة اون تى فى مع الاستاذ جابر القرموطى برنامج مانشيت بعض ارشيف مقالاتى http://youm7.com/EditorOpinions.asp?EditorID=134 المؤتمرات العالمية مؤتمر للاقباط عام سبتمبر 2004 بزيوخ مؤتمر للاقباط بواشنطن عام 2005 مؤتمر للاقباط بكندا عام 2006 مؤتمر للاقباط بشيكاغو عام 2007 اسبوع المدى الثقافى اربيل عام 2008 بكوردستان العراق مؤتمر اقباط هولندا 2008 مؤتمر اقباط النمسا 2009
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