Who will be their voice?
By:Heshmat Alavi
Throughout the world, there are always some people in need. They are mostly women and children. They have no voice. They aren’t heard. Maybe they are forgotten?!! Time to time, we see misery pictures of wretched mothers embracing their children, looking gloomily in our eyes… are they displaced by war, drought or starve? However, the sad story of Iranian women has been never heard. Don’t mistake. They aren’t only discriminated. Nor are they only deprived of their rights? The problem is not lower wages than men? As I guessed, women in Iran are nowhere mentioned. It seems that the West and the media have turned a blind eye to them under giant oil deals with Tehran. Let have a few glimpses of the “remarkable” record of the clerical “Islamic Republic of Iran”. Now, the question is if you have ever imagined the huge pressure on Iranian women, both psychologically and physically?
Did you know that according to official statistics issued by Tehran Municipality (which are far less than the reality) 3000 homeless, young girls are abandoned on the streets of Tehran alone? Could you imagine what will happen to them? They are doomed to sexual harassments, forcible marriages and women-trafficking?
Have you heard about women addicts, using drugs under their veiling, escaping the severe poverty? Is there anyone caring about them? In a country that lies on an ocean of oil and has a great history and culture!!!
The discrimination against and suppression of Iranian women is nothing new and has been institutionalized in the very foundations and constitution of the clerical regime ruling the country. From preventing women from attending sport events to banning female musicians from performing in public; from banning women from wearing hats as head covers, to gender segregation rules imposed in Tehran’s municipal offices; the Iranian regime has put all its might into suppressing women. They are deprived of many study items at the universities, in engineering fields and part of judiciary and political fields in particular. The discrimination doesn’t stay here. Following calls by the ruling clerics to act against ‘improper dress’, state-sponsored gangs commenced a wave of stabbing women and young girls.
Last November, the Iranian parliament approved legislation empowering the paramilitary Basij force with officially enforcing the restrictions under the ’Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice’ laws. In the aftermath of that, a spate of acid attacks against women were launched which was the culmination of this misogynistic campaign, in which motorcyclists have splashed acid on faces of women for allegedly having violated the mandatory veiling code defined by the “religious” leaders. Dozens of young beautiful women were fallen victims to this unbounded savagery and inhumane action. Their life and future were defaced as their faces were burnt in acids. No one, no one was held accountable! The act was totally legally complying with the new legislation passed in the parliament!!!
Moreover, the execution of a young woman, Reyhaneh Jabbari, charged with murdering her alleged rapist is another cruel instance. According to the constitution of “Islamic Republic of Iran”, she was fined guilty and hanged. Her crime was defending herself against an intelligence agent who had attempted to rape her. Sadly, she didn’t even enjoy the right to protect herself from a rapist? Does the verdict mean that the rapist had the right to rape her??!! Where is the end of this misogynistic vision? Could you imagine any worse anti-women verdict than that? The latest victim was Farinaz Khosravani. An intelligence agent attempted to rape her and left no option but threw herself from the fourth floor in order to protect her chastity and dignity.
Nevertheless, the Iranian people as a whole and women in particular don’t desire nuclear bomb. They don’t desire support and finance of terrorism in the region. They want their rights, their dignity, chastity; they want to be recognized as human beings. The women and the underage girls desire to live in safety and security, be protected by the law, be heard, and they need someone to care about them; they seek someone who holds them to her bosom. They need a heart as refuge; they need profound love and passion glittering over their sore souls. Where is that heart? Where is that love? Who can be their voice? There is only one hope, assembled in one name, Maryam Rajavi. She will make a moving speech soon on June 13 in a great gathering of hundred thousands of Iranian exiles in Paris. Join it and be a voice for Iranian women.
Heshmat Alavi
Twitter: @HeshmatAlavi
Heshmat Alavi is a political activist and supporter for regime change in Iran. He writes on Iran and the Middle East.
He tweets at @HeshmatAlavi
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