By:Heshmat Alavi
A recent report by Mr. Ahmed Shaheed U.N. special investigator on Iran revealed that many Iranian lawyers and journalists were arrested and imprisoned by the regime on charges of ‘spreading propaganda against the system, gathering and colluding against national security and insulting members of the parliament and the Supreme Leader’. The penalty for these nonsense allegations ranges from losing job to months of imprisonment and to even execution.
All these vague sentences reveal the Iranian regime’s increasingly weak position to cope with the protests and demonstrations around the country. A report by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) shows the number of recorded protests in Iran in the past Iranian year – ended late March –were as many as 5700.This can be explained as two or three protests each hour .This number would definitely be higher for the present year. In fact any enmity with laws and UN resolutions is an essentiality of the regime of Ayatollahs. This regime, with its back warded ideology is a representative of the dark era of the middle ages in our time. Should this regime have any respect for the international laws, it has to retreat from many of its holdings.
This was the point realized by the founder of Iranian regime, Ayatollah Khomeini, when he established the present ruling system in Iran. He named his regime as the “Islamic” republic of Iran. Manipulating this terminology, although made him welcomed among Iranian population but soon the incapability of the rulers to run the society was revealed. The regime’s propaganda introduces Ayatollah Khomeini and his predecessor, Ali Khamenei, as somehow related to the Islam’s prophet. In fact this regime misuses the pretext of Islam to justify all its atrocities and breaches of human rights. What Mr. Shaheed has revealed from jails in Iran is just a tip of iceberg. The Iranian people whose hope for freedom was betrayed by this regime are now organizing protests around Iran. Now faced with people’s protests, almost everywhere, the regime is horrified of another potential uprising. Universities, factories, bazars, sport arenas and the streets of Iran cities are scenes of clashes between the people and the heavily armed government forces.
The UN human rights experts jointly urged the Iranian Government to release all journalists and rights defenders who have been arbitrarily and unlawfully arrested, and currently face detention and prosecution. This regime, now engulfed in internal and external crisis, has no capacity to observe the laws. It is imprisonment, torture and executions that have kept this regime on its feet.
The Iranian resistance against the regime of Ayatollahs is now stronger than ever before. This resistance will hold its annual reunion, next week, June 13th in Paris. Last year’s meeting was attended by over one hundred thousand Iranians as well as hundreds celebrities from around the world. The meeting can start a new phase of political attacks by the Iranian Mujahedin to bring down the tyrannical regime.
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