خلال الاحتفال بالمولد النبوي هاجم وزير الاوقاف في النظام الاسدي السعودية فهم الاعراب ايام الرسالة والخوارج ايام الراشدين والوهابية الأن امهم اميركا وذريتهم الاسلام يتآمرون على الاسلام لتدميره
Syrian Minister of Religious Endowment Mohammed Abdul-Sattar Al Sayed criticized the Saudis during a sermon marking the day of birth of the Prophet Muhammad. “America is their mother, and terrorism is their offspring,” said Abdul-Satter Al-Sayed in the sermon, delivered at the Akram Mosque in Damascus on December 23, 2015. Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad was present at the sermon.