ناشطة نسائية الجزائر ارض عربية استفزاز لأنها أمازيغية

قالت النشاطة الجزائرية عويشة بختي بان دستور الجزائر ينص انها ارض عربية استفزاز لأنها أمازيغية
Title: Algerian Activist Aouicha Bekhti: Algeria Is an Amazigh, Not Arab, Country
In a TV debate on the proposed reforms to Algeria’s constitution, political activist Aouicha Bekhti complained that the proposal that the Amazigh language be made an official language of the Algerian state was a “deception” and did not bring it on a par with Arabic. “Why create this hierarchy between Arabic and the Amazigh language?” she asked. “One is the state language, and the other is… well, a little less.” She further said that the formulation in the preamble of the draft constitution that Algeria is “an Arab land” is a “provocation.” “If we insist on adding the ethnicity – Algeria’s original ethnicity is Amazigh,” she said. The debate aired on January 14 on Beur TV, a French TV channel broadcasting to North African communities in France

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