قامت الناشطات في مجموعة “فيمن” واسلوبهم العري, بالترحيب برجل الدين ورئيس ايران “حسن روحاني” في باريس بطريقتهم الخاصة , حيث علقت احداهن نفسها وكأنها تتدلى من مشنقة على جسر مرتفع بالقرب من “برج إيفل” , وعلقوا يافطة كتب عليها ” اهلا بروحاني جلاد الحرية”, وقالوا بتعليق ساخر بانهم يريدون ان يشعر ضيفنا “روحاني” وكأنه بوطنه حيث تتدلى المشانق في كل مكان, يعدمون المفكرين ونشطاء حقوق الانسان, وهناك طابور طويل منهم ينتظر الاعدام الان بينما الرئيس هولاند لا يهمه ذلك فهو يشرب معه الشاي من اجل توقيع اتفاقيات اقتصادية.
Activists from feminist protest group FEMEN staged a mock hanging under a bridge crossing the Seine, close to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Wednesday, to protest against the official visit of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who was invited to Paris by his French counterpart Francois Hollande. “Welcome Rouhani, Excecutor of Freedom.” SOT, Sarah, Femen activist (French): “We wanted to welcome Rouhani in style, by making it feel just like home. So we organised a little public hanging in order to remind him that every year, more than 800 people are condemned to death in his country. These include women, feminists, homosexuals and freethinkers, who are, at this very moment, languishing on death row, just because they are free thinkers. And as for Francois Hollande, he does not take this into account. He welcomes him this afternoon at the Elysee, to quietly drink tea, sign contracts and sell off the Airbus planes. It is clear that Francois Hollande has nothing to do with Human Rights. All that interests him is business. So shame on Francois Hollande and shame on Rouhani.”