فيديو جنرال روسي من قاعدة حميميم ينتقد عدم تنسيق اميركا معهم في ضبط وقف النار

فيديو لجنرال روسي سيرغي كورالينكو من القاعدة الجوية في حميميم وهو رئيس مركز مراقبة وقف اطلاق النار المبرم على الجبهات السورية, ينتقد عدم تنسيق اميركا معهم في ضبط وقف النار

SOT, Sergei Kuralenko, Head of the Russian Ceasefire Coordination Centre in Syria (in Russian): “The Russian coordination centre for reconciliation between the warring parties is monitoring the compliance of the ceasefire on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic around the clock. In general, the cessation of hostilities between government troops and opposition forces in Syria is being observed. Over the past 24 hours, preliminary agreements on the ceasefire were reached with the elders of the village in Damascus province following the activities conducted by the Russian centre for reconciliation. The negotiations on joining the ceasefire agreement and a transition of armed groups to civilian life were held with the representatives of public administrations and three settlements in the Idlib and Homs Provinces.

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