فيديو إلهام مانع ترد على من انتقد إمامتها في المسجد: صليت تكفروني؟ المقابلة كاملة تحدها هنا: الهام مانع: لهذه الاسباب تم تكفيري واتهامي بالخروج عن الاسلام
Interviewed on Deutsche Welle TV on June 27, Swiss-Based Yemeni writer and political activist Elham Manea explained why she had delivered a Friday sermon in late May in Bern. “The time has come for the mosque to mirror the new social reality,” said Manea, who added that “a mosque without women reflects a social reality in which women are invisible.” Manea has faced accusations of apostasy and even death threats following the sermon, which was undertaken in cooperation with the Inclusive Mosque Initiative, a grassroots activist organization based in London.