السيدة زانج هيكسيان عمرها 93 غلماً تظهر مهاراتها بقتال الكونج فو بالعصي مع ابنها فنج شوايين, ويحترمها الجميع بالقرية لانها كانت تؤدب اللصوص وهي حكيمة تقول يجب ان نهتم ببعضنا البعض ويجب عدم استغلال بعضنا البعض وان كنت تظن بأنك خارق ولا احد يجاريك فلا يوجد احد خارق والقوة الخارقة لا معنى لها.
93-year-old Kung Fu master Zhang Hexian shows off her skills. Zhang could be seen with her son, Feng Chuanyin, using sticks to practice martial arts. The martial arts master is widely respected in the village, and has a history of dealing with local criminals. Zhang had some advice, learnt from her years of leading a disciplined life: ‘We have to care for others. Never take advantage of others. We need to carry forward in goodness and kindness. You think you’re invincible. No one is capable of being your rival,’ adding ‘However, invincibility is meaningless.’