الكاتبة والمفكرة والمضيفة البرامج السورية ديما ونوس تطرح على احد مستحاثات القومية العربية الأسئلة الذكية ولاتحصل على إجابات. ما تم تهجيره من سوريا في اول ثلاث اشهر اكثر مما هجر من فلسطين على مدى خمسين عاما فلماذا القضية فلسطين كما يريد نظام الاسد الاجرامي وليست سوريا التي تباد؟
During a July 24 interview on the Syrian opposition Orient News TV channel, host Dima Wannous asked her guest, Muhammad Masharqa, spokesman for the Free Palestinian-Syrian Assembly, why the Palestinian cause remained “the world’s number one cause” over the years, even though the total number of Palestinians displaced equaled the number of people who fled Syria and Iraq in the past three months. Masharqa’s response that the establishment of the state of Israel “was a colonialist enterprise with Western goals” did not satisfy Wannous, who said that unlike the Palestinians, the Syrians would not have forgiven Saddam his crimes against his own people merely for fighting their enemy. The Free Palestinian-Syrian Assembly, which was established in May in Gaziantep, Turkey, emphasizes Palestinian involvement in the Syrian revolution.