انكر السفير العراقي السابق في موسكو، مزهر نعمان الدوري المجازر الكيماوية بحق الشعب العراقي في عهد المجرم صدام حسين بنفس طريقة مسؤولي النظام السوري عندما يدافعون عن المجرم بشار الاسد
During a June 20 TV show on the Egyptian TEN TV channel, a heated exchange developed between former Iraqi ambassador to Moscow Muzhir Numan Al-Duri and the interviewer over the human rights record of the Saddam regime. “Massacres? Where?” asked Al-Duri, a Ba’thist, who insisted that the chemical weapons used against the Kurds in Halabja had been Iranian.