إمبراطور المخدرات بحزب الله جميع النواب يتعاطونه

فجر نوح زعيتر زعيم مافيا تجارة المخدرات بحزب الله مفاجأة عندما قال بان جميع النواب اللبنانيين يتعاطون المخدرات ويتاجرون بها, وان الدولة لا تسمح لهم بزراعة اي محصول اخر وتجبرهم على زراعتها. نزكي لكم ايضا: أمبراطور مخدرات وحسن نصرالله

Lebanese Drug Lord Nouh Zeitar Offers to Supply Hash at Parliament, Says: We Are the Shield of Hizbullah.
In an interview on Al-Jadeed TV, celebrity Lebanese drug lord Nouh Zeitar discussed his narcotic exploits, as well as his longtime support of Hizbullah. Zeitar justified growing cannabis on the grounds that the government does not allow farmers in the Baalbek Hermel district to grow anything else. He encouraged everybody to smoke hash “in moderation,” and claimed that all Lebanese MP use drugs. Zeitar reiterated his support for Hizbullah, but stated that if Hizbullah ever fights the Lebanese army, he will fight alongside the army. The interview aired on January 28.

زعيم عصابة مخدرات قيادي في جزب الله

زعيم عصابة مخدرات قيادي في جزب الله

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