إمام مثلي جزائري الإسلام يحلل زواج المثليين ومعارضيه هم دواعش فقط

إمام مثلي جزائري يقول بأن الإسلام يحلل زواج المثليين والذين يعارضوه هم اسلام الدواعش فقط. الصورة هو وشريكه الذي تزوجه في المسجد يتعبدان كأي مسلمان. شاهد لقاء سابق معه: جزائري مؤسس مسجد صديق المثليين المسلمين القرآن ليس ضدنا

Dr. Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed, a French-Algerian gay imam who founded gay-friendly mosques in Paris and Marseille was interviewed on France 24 TV. Dr. Zahed presented his theory that the Quran does not oppose homosexuality and that all the Quranic verses that discussed Sodom and Gomorrah were referring to rape and not to homosexual relationships. He was confronted by anti-gay activist Rachid Elamarty, who claimed that “the homosexuals of our times want to turn society topsy-turvy.” Dr. Zahed responded that the only thing that Arab homosexuals were asking for was their rights and their dignity, and that Arab anti-gay activism stems from the same fascism that persecutes religious minorities. “The question is clear: Do we believe that [true] Islam is the Islam of ISIS?” he said. The show aired on April 22
Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed

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