أستاذة تونسية “آمال قرامي ” الرسول والصحابة والفقهاء والوجهاء امتلكوا مخنثين وهم جزأ من تراثنا وثقافتنا
In an interview with the Tunisian Al-Wataniya TV channel, Professor Amel Grami said that in the days of early Islam, “society was more aware of its diversity and more pluralistic, while today we are more rigid and unaccepting of the other.” According to Grami, a professor of Arabic studies at the University of Manouba, Tunisia, and an authority on gender studies, “many judges talked openly about their passion for boys, and said that they have their own boy, whom they meet intimately, and so on. Many jurisprudents had such relations.” The interview aired on December 20.